S.A. Astashkevich, M.V. Kalatchev, B.P. Lavrov, V.L. Ovtchinnikov, УDetermination of Gas Temperature of a Nonequilibrium Plasma From the Intensity Distribution in the Rotational Structure of G1Sg+ о B1Su+ Bands of H2Ф, Optics and Spectroscopy, 1999, V.87, No.2, pp.203-211.
S.A. Astashkevich, M.V.Kalatchev, B.P. Lavrov, УObservation of Perturbations in the Probabilities of the G1Sg+ о B1Su+ Spontaneous Transitions of the H2 Molecule: Rotational Branching RatiosФ. Optics and Spectroscopy, 1999, V.87, No.2, pp.212-218.
S.A. Astashkevich, M.V. Kalatchev, B.P. Lavrov, УRelative Probabilities of Spontaneous Emission in v"-progressions of G1Sg+ о B1Su+ Bands System of H2Ф, Optics and Spectroscopy, 2000, V.88, No.6 (in print).
Conference contributions:
S.A. Astashkevich, M.V. Kalatchev, B.P. Lavrov, V.L. Ovtchinnikov; УOn the Non-Equilibrium Plasma Diagnostics by Intensities of Rotational Lines in G1Sg+ о B1Su+ Bands System of H2Ф, International Conference on Low Temperature Plasma Physics (FNTP-98), Petrozavodsk (Russia), June 1998, Proceedings, pp.87-91 (in Russian).
S.A. Astashkevich, M.V. Kalatchev, B.P. Lavrov, УNon-Adiabatic Behavior of Radiative and Collisional Transitions with Participation of G1Sg+ state of H2Ф , International Conference on Low Temperature Plasma Physics (FNTP-98), Petrozavodsk (Russia), June 1998, Proceedings, pp.72-76 (in Russian).
N. Lang, M. Kalatchev, M. Kфning, B. P. Lavrov, J. RЎpcke, УTime Behaviour of Various Emissions in a Modulated Hydrogen Microwave DischargeФ, Frontiers in Low-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics III, Saillon (Switzerland), February 1999, Proceedings, pp.253-256.
S.A Astashkevich, M.V.Kalatchev, B.P.Lavrov, V.L.Ovtchinnikov, УOn Use of Rotational Intensity Distribution in G1Sg+ о B1Su+ Bands of H2 for Diagnostics of Non-equilibrium PlasmasФ ,Frontiers in Low-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics III, Saillon (Switzerland), February 1999, Proceedings, pp.279-282.
N. Lang, M. Kalatchev, J. RЎpcke, B.P. Lavrov, УKinetik von Anregungs- und Relaxationsmechanismen in gepulsten wasserstoffhaltigen MikrowellenentladungenФ, Fr№hjahrtagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Heidelberg (Germany) April 1999, Verhandlungen der DPG, pp.346.
N. Lang, J. RЎpcke, M. Kalatchev, B.P. Lavrov, УEmission Characteristics in Pulsed Microwave Discharge Containing HydrogenФ, 52nd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Norfolk, Virginia (USA), October 1999, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, V.44, No.4, pp.32.
S.A.Astashkevich, M.V.Kalatchev, B.P.Lavrov, УSpontaneous Emission Rovibronic Transition Probabilities in v"-Progressions of 3D(1Sg+) о 2B(1Su+) Bands of H2Ф, Conference of European Group for Atomic Spectroscopy EGAS-31, Marsel (France) July 1999, Proceedings, pp.254-265.
N.Lang, M.Kalatchev, B.P.Lavrov, L.Asare, J.RЎpcke УAnalysis of nonthermal effects in normal and abnormal hollow cathode discharge containing hydrogenФ, Fr№hjahrtagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Heidelberg (Germany) April 2000 (accepted).
S.A.Astashkevich, M.V.Kalatchev, B.P.Lavrov, УExtremly Remarkable Perturbations of Rotational and Vibrational Branching Ratios in (3D)1Sg+ о (2B)1Su+ Band System of H2Ф, XIII-th International Symposium-School "High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy", Tomsk (Russia) July 1999, Proceedings, p.103.
Diplomas and Reports:
M.Kalatchev, УInvestigation of Relative Probabilities of Electronic-Vibro-Rotational I1P
g-,v',J' ®
u▒,v",J", J1D
g-,v',J' ®
u▒,v",J" Spontaneous Transitions of H2 Molecule, Obtained with the Use of CCD Matrix DetectorФ, Bachelor Thesis, St.-Petersburg State University (Russia), June 1997.
M.Kalatchev, N.Lang, УTime Behaviour of Various Emissions in a Modulated Hydrogen Microwave DischargeФ, INP Report XXVIII, Institut f№r Niedertemperatur Plasmaphysik (Germany), December 1998.
M.Kalatchev, N.Lang, L.Asare УAnalysis of nonthermal effects in normal and abnormal hollow cathode discharge containing hydrogenФ, INP Report, Institut f№r Niedertemperatur Plasmaphysik (Germany), December 1999.
M.Kalatchev, УInvestigation of Relative Probabilities of Electronic-Vibro-Rotational G1S
g+,v',J' ®
u+,v",J" Spontaneous Transitions of H2 MoleculeФ, Master Thesis, St.-Petersburg State University (Russia), January 2000.